LinkedIn Company Page

12 benefits you might be missing out on if you don’t have a LinkedIn company page

When I work together with my clients on their online and social media strategy we also review their engagement on LinkedIn. This made me notice, that many wool industry companies don’t have a LinkedIn company page or if they do, it is not being managed in their best interest. In this blog post, I will explain why it is important for wool industry businesses to set up and manage their company page on LinkedIn.

Some interesting LinkedIn statistics

In April 2017, LinkedIn announced that it now has 500 million users in 200 countries. Of these half a billion users around 106 million log in daily. LinkedIn revealed that its long-term goal is to reach 3 billion users as two people sign up to LinkedIn every second. It is numbers like these that make LinkedIn the number one social media platform for business. This raises the question, how wool industry companies can use the platform to their advantage?

A LinkedIn company page is for free

Setting up a company page on LinkedIn is for free and does not take much time to set up. Here is an overview of 12 benefits of having a LinkedIn company page that you may not want to miss out on.

1. Improve your ranking on Google

Search engines like Google also include search results from LinkedIn. Having an active company page will also help your visibility in Google’s ranking.

2. Drive traffic to your website

LinkedIn users can only click through to your website from a company page. This is not possible from a personal page where your employees would typically mention your company name. Therefore you will invite more traffic to your corporate website through your company page on LinkedIn.

3. Distribute your company news

In the past, you sent out a press release to announce your latest company news hoping that newspapers and magazines would report about you. Nowadays, you have the possibility to broadcast your news to your target audience yourself, including through your LinkedIn company page.

4. Promote your services and products

A company page on LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to talk about your products and services. Do you have a new feature? A special promotion? Your LinkedIn followers will be interested in getting to know about it.

5. Increase your visibility and brand awareness

By providing information about your company and regularly sharing company news, you will increase your visibility among your target audience and build brand awareness.

6. Build credibility

We like to do business with people and companies that we know, like and trust. While we do build many of these relationships offline, we can also nurture our relationships online. Showing up regularly, engaging and sharing valuable content nurtures your relationships and increases your credibility.

7. Show that you are up to date

Let’s face it. Nowadays, if you don’t have a website, your company does not exist. If you don’t have a LinkedIn company page, it shows visitors that you are not keeping up to date. Your LinkedIn company page is like an embassy for your business. This embassy can either do a good job (if it is set up properly) or bad job (if it is not set up or outdated) in representing you and your interests.

8. Learn more about your target group

While your target group can learn a lot about your company on your page, you can also turn things around and learn more about your customers and future prospects. With a company page, you get access to analytics that help you better understand what your target group is interested in, what else they are looking at so you can target them even better in the future.

9. Engage with your target group

One of the main characteristics of social media is that it is not a one-way conversation. Instead, you can have conversations and active engagement with your target audience online. Engagement with your customers and future prospects helps to build that trust we talked about earlier.

10. Run ads

While you can do a lot for free on your company page, you can also run paid advertisement to ensure that your ideal customers see your targeted messages. This can be particularly interesting if you are launching a new product, running a promotion or exhibiting at a fair.

11. Group your employees around you

Have a look at the personal profiles of your employees or colleagues on LinkedIn. You might notice that they all mention your company name as their current employer, but you may find that they all write your company name in a different way. This diffuses your messaging as an employer. Once you have your company page set up, ask your employees to link to your page and group them all together. In this way, you get more visibility and create a proud team around your business.

12. Widen your recruitment opportunities

Many users on LinkedIn use the platform to find a new job. Through your company page, you become visible to these job seekers and they can connect with you easily. Posting job openings on your company page will also help you access more talents.

Now go and build your LinkedIn company page

I just set up my own LinkedIn company page and found it was very easy. For me, the best benefit is that I can have a direct link to my website which was not possible with my personal profile page.
Will you consider updating or creating your company page on LinkedIn? Please tell me below in the comments. If you need help with setting your page up, just contact me and I will be happy to help you out.