Tag Archive for: Chris Wilcox

Chris Wilcox Wool Economics 101 Wool Academy Podcast

#016: Chris Wilcox explains the dynamics of the wool market

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All you need to understand how the wool market works

In this episode, Chris Wilcox who is the world’s leading analyst and commentator on the global wool industry, explains the different elements of the wool market. These include an overview of the main wool growing, manufacturing and consuming countries, wool’s market share compared to other fibres, wool prices, world sheep population and many more. Chris also shares latest insights on market trends and how the wool manufacturing market will shift in the next few years.


About Chris Wilcox

Chris Wilcox is the world’s leading analyst and commentator on the global wool industry. He has 25 years’ experience in conducting and guiding economic research, market intelligence analysis and strategic assessment of key issues in the global wool industry, in a career of over 35 years in Australian agribusiness. He is a widely recognised public speaker on the global wool industry, having given over 200 presentations at conferences and meetings around the world, including China, the USA, Italy, France, Uruguay and Germany.

Chris operates his own consultancy business, Poimena Analysis, and has a number of roles in the global wool industry, including: Executive Director of the National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia; Chairman of the International Wool Textile Organisation’s Market Intelligence Committee; and a Board Director of the Australian Wool Testing Authority. He prepares the International Wool Textile Organisation’s annual Market Information statistics publication and also prepares the American Sheep Industries’ Wool Journal six times a year. Chris is Secretary and Analyst for the Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee.

Connect with Chris Wilcox here

Twitter @poimena14

Twitter @woolbrokersaus

Woolbrokers Australia – here you can find wool industry analysis articles and news

IWTO – The International Wool Textile Organisation offers key statistics on the global wool industry