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Ingun Klepp Wool Academy Podcast

#030: Ingun Klepp on how consumer research reveals new business opportunities for wool

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Ingun Klepp is a research professor at Consumer Research Norway, an institute at the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. Ingun is specialised in consumer research on sustainable textile, clothing, laundry and leisure consumption.

In this episode, Ingun talks about the different findings she uncovered when studying wool in relation to consumer behaviour. In particular, Ingun studied the use of wool in beds. Ingun started with the intention to understand why we use cotton as linen instead of wool. At the end of her study, she discovered how consumers use wool in their beds in many unconventional ways.

Another research project Ingun shares during the interview is a study on the smell of sports clothing which made wool outperform synthetics.

Ingun is also a thought leader on environmental issues related to textiles. In particular, she criticises the focus on waste and recycling. Instead, she encourages us to think about creating better, longer lasting apparel that is of value to the consumer.

All of Ingun’s research findings help us develop new business ideas for wool products that are of value to the consumer and the planet.


About Ingun Klepp

Ingun Klepp works with research on sustainable textile, clothing, laundry and leisure consumption and has written numerous articles and books on these themes. The relationship between textiles, social and physical characteristics and how these are woven together is at the core of her interest and she loves popular dissemination and new methods.

Connect with Ingun Klepp here

Consumer Research Norway website

Ingun’s wool research papers