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Wool Academy Podcast Guest 019 Kjersti Kviseth from 2025 Design

#019: Lifecycler Kjersti Kviseth about the circular economy for textiles

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In this episode, Life Cycle Design expert Kjersti Kviseth, talks about the importance of designing products with the 2nd and 3rd life of the product in mind. This is important in order to save resources and protect the environment. She explains how life cycle thinking today also known as the circular economy works and why it will become more and more important in the future. Last but not least she also shows that wool is an excellent fibre to use when it comes to making long lasting products that can transform into new products after its first use phase. Kjersti also shares insights about how the textile industry is working hard to improve the product footprint of the clothes we wear by creating systems based on LCA data.

About Kjersti Kviseth

Kjersti Kviseth runs the product design consultancy 2025design, doing Life Cycle thinking in design and development of materials and products, as well as sustainability assessments and strategies. She has a Diploma in Product design and 15 years of experience in the Norwegian furniture industry of which 10 as Environmental Manager. She has competence in eco-management, Life Cycle Development and “Cradle to Cradle” thinking related to design, product development and manufacturing.

Get in contact with Kjersti Kviseth

2025 Design

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