Tag Archive for: IWTO

Wool Academy Podcast and Planet Wool

#027: IWTO Planet Wool Special

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For one episode the Wool Academy podcast is being taken over by Planet Wool – a Podcast by the International Wool Textile Organisation. As this episode is launching on 3 May 2017, the 86th IWTO Congress is taking place in Harrogate, United Kingdom. The IWTO Congress offers 3 full days of excellent wool industry speakers and networking opportunities. Wool Academy is of course also attending the event to secure some more amazing interviews for the podcast.
This episode gives all Wool Academy listeners a taste of the IWTO Congress. In 2016, The IWTO Congress took place in Sydney, Australia. All presentations from that event have been recorded and published as the Planet Wool Podcast. In this Wool Academy episode, you can listen to one of these presentations.
The speaker is Craig Vanderoef, Senior Director Global Running Apparel and Customization at Adidas. Craig talks about growing the next generation of wool in sports. He particularly talks about how to communicate to the generations called Gen Y and Gen Z. He also points out how retail brands and the wool industry can work closely together to deliver innovative products to these younger consumers.
If you want to listen to more presentations, go to Soundcloud.com and search for Planet Wool. A total of 28 great episodes awaits you there. The Planet Wool podcast covers topics such as wool market trends, sustainability, consumer trends, education and retail.

Connect with Planet Wool here

Planet Wool – a Podcast by IWTO can be found on Soundclound.com
Wool Academy Podcast Episode 20 Dalena White from IWTO

#020: Dalena White introduces the work of IWTO

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In this episode, Dalena White, Secretary General of the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO) introduces the services that the IWTO offers towards the wool industry. Dalena lays out the strategic focus areas the industry body is focusing on. Focus areas include scientific research in areas such as health and wellness as well as sustainability. In the discussion, Dalena also points out the importance of educating young professionals in order to win the best talent for the industry in the future.

As IWTO is getting ready to host its 86th annual Congress, Dalena shares some insights about the programme and speakers. Early bird ends on 16 March 2017.

In this episode, Dalena mentions Lesley Prior, Monica Ebert and Chris Wilcox all who have been guests on the Wool Academy Podcast. Listen to their stories here:

Lesley Prior

Monica Ebert

Chris Wilcox

About Dalena White

Dalena White is the Secretary General of the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO). IWTO is the recognized global authority for standards in the wool industry and has been representing the interests of the wool textile trade since 1930. IWTO is a member organisation and represents 60% of the total wool production pipeline. IWTO does not trade for profit.
Dalena has 20 years’ experience in textile manufacture and sourcing, working closely with retail. For the past eight years, she has been involved with brand development and product design in wool and finding sustainable solutions for designers wanting to work with wool in South Africa. Dalena moved to Brussels and the IWTO office in June 2016.


Connect with Dalena White here


IWTO Congress 2017

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