Tag Archive for: wool industry

Philip Attard at Wool Academy Podcast episode 21

#021: Philip Attard About Creating the Gostwyck Merino Brand

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In this episode wool grower and entrepreneur Philip Attard talks about the business he and his wife Alison created based out of their farm Gostwyck in Australia. Philip explains the different strategies he applied to create the Gostwyck Merino Wool brand to ensure a sustainable income for the business. One important aspect of Gostwyck Merino is traceability. This is key in a time and age where more and more consumer are eager to know where their wool is coming from. With the recently launched apparel label, Henry and Grace, Philip also gives insights into this new adventure of the Gostwyck Merino brand.


About Philip Attard

Philip took an interest in growing wool late in life.  After over 30 years in the computer industry, he and his wife Alison turned their attention to Gostwyck Farm, the wool they were growing and the management of the farm.  Over the past 17 years, Gostwyck has had many changes, notably the grazing management, animal welfare and wellbeing, and producing merino that is totally comfortable when worn next to the skin. Some of this merino is now used in the recently launched  maternity and baby wear brand  Henry and Grace.


Connect with Philip Attard here

Gostwyck Merino Website

Henry and Grace – Maternity and Baby Wear



Wool Academy Podcast Episode 20 Dalena White from IWTO

#020: Dalena White introduces the work of IWTO

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In this episode, Dalena White, Secretary General of the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO) introduces the services that the IWTO offers towards the wool industry. Dalena lays out the strategic focus areas the industry body is focusing on. Focus areas include scientific research in areas such as health and wellness as well as sustainability. In the discussion, Dalena also points out the importance of educating young professionals in order to win the best talent for the industry in the future.

As IWTO is getting ready to host its 86th annual Congress, Dalena shares some insights about the programme and speakers. Early bird ends on 16 March 2017.

In this episode, Dalena mentions Lesley Prior, Monica Ebert and Chris Wilcox all who have been guests on the Wool Academy Podcast. Listen to their stories here:

Lesley Prior

Monica Ebert

Chris Wilcox

About Dalena White

Dalena White is the Secretary General of the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO). IWTO is the recognized global authority for standards in the wool industry and has been representing the interests of the wool textile trade since 1930. IWTO is a member organisation and represents 60% of the total wool production pipeline. IWTO does not trade for profit.
Dalena has 20 years’ experience in textile manufacture and sourcing, working closely with retail. For the past eight years, she has been involved with brand development and product design in wool and finding sustainable solutions for designers wanting to work with wool in South Africa. Dalena moved to Brussels and the IWTO office in June 2016.


Connect with Dalena White here


IWTO Congress 2017

The latest Market Information 2016 statistics



Wool Academy Podcast Guest 019 Kjersti Kviseth from 2025 Design

#019: Lifecycler Kjersti Kviseth about the circular economy for textiles

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In this episode, Life Cycle Design expert Kjersti Kviseth, talks about the importance of designing products with the 2nd and 3rd life of the product in mind. This is important in order to save resources and protect the environment. She explains how life cycle thinking today also known as the circular economy works and why it will become more and more important in the future. Last but not least she also shows that wool is an excellent fibre to use when it comes to making long lasting products that can transform into new products after its first use phase. Kjersti also shares insights about how the textile industry is working hard to improve the product footprint of the clothes we wear by creating systems based on LCA data.

About Kjersti Kviseth

Kjersti Kviseth runs the product design consultancy 2025design, doing Life Cycle thinking in design and development of materials and products, as well as sustainability assessments and strategies. She has a Diploma in Product design and 15 years of experience in the Norwegian furniture industry of which 10 as Environmental Manager. She has competence in eco-management, Life Cycle Development and “Cradle to Cradle” thinking related to design, product development and manufacturing.

Get in contact with Kjersti Kviseth

2025 Design

Kjersti on LinkedIn




Geoff Kingwill Wool Academy Podcast episode 018

#018: Geoff Kingwill About Wool Growing in the Semi-desert

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South African Wool Grower Geoff Kingwill, shares insights into what it is like to run sheep in the semi-desert of the Karoo. He explains how holistic management of sheep and land helps reverse desertification. Geoff also explains what all there is to achieve and gain when working together with all parts of the wool industry supply chain. Learn why there is never a typical day in the life of a wool grower, what the Geoff’s different income streams are and how nature is challenging him and his sheep.


About Geoff Kingwill

Geoff Kingwill is Chairman of the IWTO Sustainability Committee and serves on the Working Groups dealing with Animal Welfare and the Environmental Credentials of Wool. He runs a farm producing Merino sheep, Angora goats and beef cattle. Mr Kingwill is a past Chairman of both Cape Wools South Africa and the Western Cape branch of the National Wool Growers Association and is currently Vice Chairman of the board of  BKB, a Wool Broker Business.

Get in contact with Geoff Kingwill



Angus Ireland Wool Academy Podcast 017

#017: Angus Ireland about the latest wool research

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Research insights on how wool helps improve eczema

In this episode, Angus Ireland from the Woolmark Company,  speaks about the latest research happening in the area of health and wellness as well as wool’s environmental credentials. Angus talks about how super fine wool next to skin products improve the skin health of people suffering from eczema and how this will apply itself to the market. Another topic Angus shares is the work on wool’s environmental credentials.

About Angus Ireland

Angus is the Program Manager – Fibre Advocacy and Eco Credentials for Australian Wool Innovation Limited.
From the NSW tablelands, he studied Wool and Pastoral Science at the University of NSW and completed a Post Graduate Diploma of Business at Deakin University. Angus has considerable experience in raw wool specification and management of wool research and testing operations. He has contributed to the development of automated wool sampling and testing instrumentation for characteristics including, staple length, staple strength, dark fibre, colour, diameter variability and yield.
Angus’ current focus is on extending the scientific basis for wool’s wellness and environmental attributes, including support for new product categories. These activities largely involve partnering with research institutions in Australia and overseas in the conduct of specialist human wellness research, environmental research, and in facilitating international advocacy activities through organisations such as IWTO.
Prior to employment with AWI, Angus worked in a variety of research and operational roles at the Australian Wool Testing Authority Ltd.


Connect with Angus Ireland here

The Woolmark Company

Australian Wool Innovation


Galina Witting Co-founder of Baabuk

#012: Galina Witting about wool shoe startup Baabuk

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In this episode, Galina Witting, co-founder of Baabuk, talks about how she and her husband came up with the idea for their wool shoe label Baabuk. Galina shares the key challenges and learnings she had at Baabuk and how she manages the different aspects of her business including sourcing, e-commerce and social media. Baabuk also launched with the support of a Kickstarter Campaign which she explains in this episode as well.


About Galina Witting

Galina graduated from HEC Lausanne, Business school of Switzerland. For several years she worked for a multination company in Switzerland and abroad acquiring strong project management and marketing skills. At Baabuk she takes care in particular of the marketing and communication, sales, new product development, and administration.

Connect with Galina Witting here

Website Baabuk

Kickstarter Campaign

Baabuk on Facebook

Baabuk on Twitter

Baabuk on Instagram








Wool Academy Podcast 011 with Roy Kettlewell

#011: Roy Kettlewell explains how finishing processes bring out the best in wool

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In this episode, wool specialist Roy Kettlewell explains the different wool finishing processes, relevant wool product tests and shares his insights about why wool succeeds in the sports, casual and baby wear markets.

About Roy Kettlewell

Roy started his career 43 years ago in his birthplace of Yorkshire, UK,  working for the International Wool Secretariat, and then The Woolmark Company specialising in chemical finishing and developing innovative technologies and processes such as the Mercerised Merino for the wool fibre.  For the last eight years he has been based in Sydney Australia working for Australian Wool Innovation as Global Innovations Manager and since July 2016 as an independent consultant with Kettlewell Consulting.

Over the last four decades he has worked with entire wool processing pipeline from the raw fibre to garment making; in Europe, USA, China, India to implement the new technologies and deliver a point of difference for the industry. At the same time he has collaborated with global retailers and manufacturers to help, through training key staff, to communicate the benefits of merino wool innovations to the consumer.  The key to successful innovation is to make sure it meets a market need and enhances value in the eyes of the customer.

Connect with Roy Kettlewell here

Website: Kettlewell Consulting


3 Finishing processing stages Roy talked about

  • Preparation
  • Wet Processing
  • Dry Processing


Important product tests Roy mentioned in this episode

  • Fibre content
  • Colour fastness
  • Damage or stability
  • Garment performance during wear life