Osman Kilic Ormo Wool Academy Podcast

#081 Osman Kilic about the hand knitting industry

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Osman Kilic is the Executive Board Member of hand knitting yarn manufacturer Ormo. In this episode, Osman talks about the Ormo Group and how the business of hand knitting yarn works. Osman explains further how the hand knitting industry is set up and how trends influence hand knitting as a hobby.

About Osman Kilic

Osman Kilic is the Executive Board Member of the Ormo Group. Osman joined the company in 1984. He has experience in marketing knitting and craft yarns and international market development. In addition, Osman is part of the Executive Committee of the International Wool Textile Organisation.

Connect with Osman Kilic

The Ormo Group website

Nako hand knitting yarn website


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